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To effectively describe Chris Davenport's art style for a website, the following keywords can be utilized:
1. Spiritual Symbolism-Emphasizes the deep spiritual themes and religious symbols prominent in his work.
2. Mixed Media-Highlights the use of various materials and textures that Chris incorporates into his pieces.
The Price of Jesus
The cross reflects the architectural grace of the church's exterior spires and is inspired by the work of Alfonso Ianelli. It serves as a bridge, linking the external representation of the Holy Flame to the sanctuary's interior, ensuring the presence of the Divine Flame both outside and within the sacred walls.
At the Parish of Christ the King in Tulsa, Elizabeth Ann Seton is honored through a dedicated element within the Reliquary created by Chris Davenport. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native-born American to be canonized as a saint, founded the Sisters of Charity and played a crucial role in establishing the Catholic parochial school system in the United States. Her inclusion in the Reliquary signif
Floating Reliquary of Mother Cabrini located in the St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Stained Glass Window at Christ The King in Tulsa, Ok Created by Chris Davenpor.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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